HLSL particles system       

This programs creates a particle system using HLSL vertex and pixel shader, and point sprite to render the particules. It is pretty basic ompared to others one can find on the web. But it appears to be pretty tricky to use point sprite in pixel shader. Behaviors are sometime strange (I heard about bugs with last ATI cards and point sprite). I tried to blur the sprites, to fade them but doing it in a pixel shader leads to strange result. That's why i present just a very basic particle system here.


download  : exe+sources (C++,HLSL and Visual C++ 6.0 project) (1090ko)

Require a graphic card with support of vertex shader 2_0 et pixel shader 2_0.

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Author :  Adrien Auclair  
adrien.auclair at club-internet.fr
Last update : 07/10/2004