
Finlann est un projet de Warcraft-like. Mes motivations pour mener ce projet sont diverses. Tout d'abord, et principalement, parce que j'aime coder, encore, toujours, encore... et encore...  Et d'autre part, parce que je trouve passionant de voir les differentes briques du jeu, petit a petit, construire un veritable monde. Ce jeu m'a permis beaucoup progresser en C/C++, de me rendre compte que sans doc, un code n'est rien, même quand l'on code seul. J'ai aussi appris à programmer une petite IA en utilisant des machines à états finis, un pathfinder, un moteur de jeu.... Le code source fait environs 15000 lignes, ce qui me semble conséquent pour un petit programme fait au coin du feu. Le jeu est stable, enfin je veux dire par là que je ne n'ai pas vu crasher la version beta.

La version actuelle et sans doute définitive permet de jouer aux deux premières missions. On retrouve la plupart des options de Warcraft. La première mission permet de mener un prêtre à un temple, en traversant la carte et en affrontant quelques ennemis. La seconde mission propose au joueur de construire son village à proximité d'une mine d'or. Il devra ensuite créer une armée et attaquer le village Orc tout proche. Ce village est défendu par plusieurs tours, des archers et des soldats.

Le gros défaut du jeu tient dans ses animations. Je n'ai pas trouvé de graphistes pour compléter les planches bitmaps. Donc pour l'instant, ce sont des copier-coller de l'original de Blizzard, sans animations. Je crois que le jeu serait beaucoup plus agréable si de nouvelles animations étaient dessinées. Mais cela représente une quantité de travail considérable...


Beta version of the game : ( 796 kb)

Config necessaire : directX 8, et une carte video avec le mode 640*480*16

Screenshots Gallery



menu du jeu

lancer une campagne, load, save.... traditionnel



entre chaque mission, le scenario et les objectifs de la prochaine mission defilent


mission 1

le heros Sylwor doit aller conquerir un temple qui se trouve en bas de la carte


mission 2

le joueur herite d'une base initiale, il doit aller detruire la base ennemie....... original :-)



il est possible de selectionner un groupe jusqu'a 10 unites, puis de lui assigner un ordre commun


attaque d'une tour

lorsque vous attaquez un batiment ennemi, les unites aux alentours vont venir le defendre, si vous parvenez a le detruire, un paysan tentera de venir le reconstruire


bataille... rangee ?

l'animation ne souffre pas, malgres les nombreuses unites........ sur un pentium 1.2 Ghz :-\ la version actuelle est peu optimisee (manque de temps) et gourmande en ressources, mais si vous lancer le jeu sur une "petite" machine, faites moi savoir le resultat :-)



l'editeur permet d'ajouter les batiments, les unites, la foret.... l'interface est plutot agreable



en double-cliquant sur une unite ou un building, une fenetre s'ouvre et permet de regler les parametres associes


parametrage des temples

les temples sont les points centraux du scenario, ils attirent les faveurs des Dieux



For many centuries, orcs have rules the world of Finlann and there are only a few humans left. You do not know exactly what caused the humans to disappear, but you have been told that it was caused by the gods. All of humans believe that they will dir soon, when the last village of humans, your village is found by the orcs...

This morning, while you were working in the fields, the oldest man of the village, Erghust came to you. Nobody from village knows him. He is living alone, at the edge of the forest. The people of the village say that he is foolish because he spends all of his days in the forest walking around each tree for hours and hours:
"Hello Sylwor, I have found it at last, I have found what I have been looking for hundreds of years...
But we are in great danger now, Orcs will find us soon... I have found one copy of the Book of rAad. Many centuries ago, there were 7 copies of the Book, each book describes the prayers that must be said at the temple, in order to get the friendship of God.... But humans have lost so many wars against Orcs, Orcs tortured many monks, and each time one of them was praying for them in temples... They have many temples for them nowadays, but we do not know if they have the books or if they have burned them, or maybe they have one but don't know how to read it...These books have a strong power and are linked together. Since I found this one this morning, the other books have been awakened. I am sure of this and I am sure they know...
But that is not the most important factor... You are more important than the book, this icon you have always had on your shoulder, it shows that you are the last offspring.. Your father was a monk, like your great-grandfather... like you...
This book is not mine, it is yours... Take it..."
As Erghust gives you the book, you hear shoutings from far away, you can see grey smoke coming towards the forest, from the village, and suddenly.... Orcs ..are everywhere, running at you...
Erghust gives a last glance at you and says:
"run my son, your are the last chance for the humans. Your life is more important than any of the others. You must find the temple. Go to the south, to the south....!!!!! "
You barely have the time to hide yourself behind a fence with two other peons as Orcs are surrounding Erghust. Erghust is whispering something to you that you can barely understand, when suddenly, a huge lightning bolt comes from the sky. A huge cloud of dust blows into your face and the ground shakes as if there were just an earthquake....
When you can open your eyes, there is a big crater in front of you, Erghust and all of the Orcs have been destroyed... But at the other end of the field, you see a new group of Orcs coming towards you... You decide to run deeper into the forest with your two friends...

A  few words about the graphics

You certainely noticed that artwork and fonts are not original ones. I just "borrowed" them to Blizzard ( from Warcraft and Diablo). It is just a temporary solution to give a good design to my demo. I can understand that an artist might be offended, but as soon as I will receive the help of anyone to draw original ones, it will be replaced...


Author :  Adrien Auclair
Last update : 12/12/2002